5 Important Factors to Consider While Choosing a Web Hosting

5 Important Factors to Consider While Choosing a Web Hosting

In essence, the web host you chose would primarily depend on the goals of your website. However, there are common factors which you should look for before taking the plunge. Here, we chalk out the five most important factors that would help you select the best web hosting services for your business.

  1. Reliability and uptime– You would not want your website experiencing downtime especially during peak hours. Select a web hosting provider that guarantees an uptime of at least 99.9%, with the recommended value of 99.5%. Uptime is not only crucial for your website’s traffic but is a critical SEO determining factor.
  1. Hardware– With an increase in traffic, the cheapest plans would not suffice. Ample disk space, unlimited bandwidth, and processing capacity are some of the hardware specifications you should be familiar with before choosing one to host your website.
  1. Type of server– With so many options to choose from, it can be confusing at times. The most common types of server available are Shared, Dedicated, VPS and Cloud website Hosting. Shared Web Hosting is particularly suitable for small businesses as the cost of the server is shared between the clients.
  1. Customer support– It is vital to select a company with an excellent customer rating. Technical support over the phone, e-mails, and live chats are some of the things you should be considering. A good provider would have a responsive and robust presence on social media platforms.
  1. Price– It is not in your best interest to jump on the cheapest plan you are offered. However, a cost-effective solution like a Shared Hosting could be a good idea for new businesses. The significant costs involved are mainly the installation and renewal charges. Compare prices between providers offering the same type of services.

The purpose of your website would dictate the type of web hosting services you should opt for. Are you going to rely on WordPress, or you have the plan to go for an e-commerce website? Different types of website have different requirements. However, keep in mind the above 5 factors before choosing your web host. You would not want to regret later.

